Author: jonah.luo

“6” : 六合之内


English Version: “Six”: All Directions, Hexagon, and 6-letter Words in Scrabble

> 一个立方体(也叫正方体)有 6 个面。
我们生活的3D 空间有六个方向,上下左右前后。

> 6 是偶数。6 同时也是完全数。
对于 6 来说,真约数是 1,2,3. 我们有 1 + 2 + 3 = 6. 所以6 是完全数。
下一个完全数是 28.

6 和下面方程的整数解有关: x + y + z = (x) (y) (z)
不管 x,y,z 的先后顺序,解是:一个1,一个2,一个3. 等式两边的结果都是6。

> 下面是两个有趣的等式:

(1 ⁄ 2)- (1 ⁄ 3) = (1 ⁄ 6) and
(1 ⁄ 2) + (1 ⁄ 3) + (1 ⁄ 6)= 1

> 6 有一个有趣的立方分数和表示形式:

6 = (173 + 373) (213)

> 正六边形有6个顶点和6条边。我们可以把正六边形分成6个小等边三角形,这可以通过连接对面的顶点来实现。如果把每相隔一个的顶点连接起来,我们得到一个稍大的等边三角形。它和前面提到的小等边三角形是相似的。

一个四面体有 6 条边。

一个矩形有4 条边,但是如果再加上两条对角线,那么就是6条连线。这6条连线把所有可能的顶点对都连接起来了。

> 6 也是三角形数(如下):
1 = 1
3 = 1 + 2
6 = 1 + 2 + 3
.. .. .. ..
15 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5
.. .. .. ..
36 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8
我们注意到 6 和它的平方 6 x 6 = 36 都是三角形数(分别是第三个和第八个三角形数)。

> 半径为 1(即直径为 2)的圆,其内接正六边形的边长也是 1,因而周长大于 6. 我们知道,圆周率 π 是周长和直径的比。这个定义加上圆周长大于6的直观事实,告诉我们 π 大于 6 ÷ 2 = 3. 人类认识圆形时,这是最早建立起来的事实之一。

> 与六有关的说法:


“One”: the beginning

One-thOne is the beginning of everything.

查看中文: “1” 万物之始

> 1 is the first and smallest natural number: we always start counting from number 1.

> 1 has only one factor or divisor:

1 = 1 X 1

> Look at the example:

5 X 1 = 5, 5 ÷ 1 = 5

Conclusion: Any number multiply (or divided by 1) is itself.

> Look at the example: 1 ÷ 2 = 1/2, 1 ÷ 5 = 1/5 etc.

Conclusion: _______________ (we start introduce fraction from here).

> Look at the identity: 1 x = 1 (no matter what number x is).

Conclusion: ________________.

> 0 and 1 are the only two numbers in a binary system.

> We end the session with an interesting fact:

1 = 0.999 … … … (repeating forever)

“1” 万物之始


English Version: One: the Beginning


> 1 是第一个,也是最小的自然数:数数的第一个数。

> 1 只有一个约数或因子:

1 = 1 1

> 先看例子:

5 x 1 = 5, 5 ÷ 1 = 5 (5 可以用任何自然数替代)


> 先看例子: 1 ÷ 2 = 1/2, 1 ÷ 5 = 1/5 etc.

结论:_______________ (我们讲分数计算就是从这里开始的)

> 先看式子:1x = 1 (无论 x 是什麽数)


> 二进制中只有两个数:除了0就是1

> 还有一个有趣的事实:

1 = 0.999 … … … (一直重复下去)

“10”: The Base of Daily Decimal

> 10 is the base of our decimal numeric system — it means 10 ones is ten, 10 tens is hundred, 10 hundreds is thousand, etc. We use decimal system on a daily basis.

> Digit “0” was invented in Oriental world but it took a long time to be accepted in the Western hemisphere. For number 10, people initially use a (blank) bar or a circle symbol as there’s nothing in units-place; then it has become a standard to use ‘0’ once ‘0’ emerged. Roman numerals, which did not embrace the idea of “place value”, were used until recent (where we use X, C etc for 10, 100, .. — there never has been there a zero in Roman numeral).

> 10 is a triangle number as well as a centric triangular number.

10 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 1 + 3 + 6

As shown, 10 is the sum of the first four counting numbers, as well as the sum of the first three triangle numbers [1,3,6 are triangle numbers].

> If a number has exactly two prime divisors, then it is called a semi-prime. Number 10 is a semi-prime as

10 = 2 × 5

The first semi-prime is 6. Any semi-prime will have 4 divisors (including number 1 and itself).

> 10 can be represented as the sum-of-squares as below:

10 = 12 + 32 = (12 + 12) (12 + 22)

> There is something interesting in the entry just above. If two numbers, n and m can be both written as the sum of two squares, then their product can also be written as the sum of two squares. 10 is the first of such examples, apart from the trivial 4 = (12 + 12) (12 + 12) = 22 + 0.
The general formula is illustrated below:

if n = (a2 + b2), m = c2 + d2, then
nm = (ac-bd)2 + (ad+bc)2
Note that the representation of (nm )as the sum of two squares is usually NOT unique.

> Ancient Greeks has suggested to use the square root of 10 as an approximate value of π (where of a circle, π is the ratio of circumference to radius).

> In the metric system, the conversion among different units of measurement are based on the power of 10; for example: 1 metre = 100 centimetre; 1 kilometre (km) = 1000 metre. In monetary system, 1$ = 100 c and 1 dime = 10c (though  “cent” has been out of use).

In early history, as a fast calculation mechanism, people resort to logarithms; of which the most commonly used was 10 (therefore base-10 logarithm obtained its name as the common logarithm).

> Considered that a number is raised to the 10th power.

The last digit of a 10th power of an integer is the same as the last digit of the square.

For example: 210 = 1024 and 22 = 4;
For another one, 710 = 282475249, which has the last digit 9, whereas it’s known that 72 = 49 too.

10: 十全十美

> 我们每天使用的数,无论整数或小数,都是以十进制表示的。

> 我们常忽略一个事实:数10 是使用到数字0 的头一个数。数字0是在东方世界(印度–中国 – 阿拉伯)发明的, 经过一些时候才为西方世界所接受。表示个位数上什么都没有,最早人们是用空格或者画个圈; 当0出现以后,使用0成为自然的选择。罗马数字直到最近还在使用,该系统中没有位值和0的概念 (例如 10,50,100 用 X, L, C 来表示)。

> 10 既是一般三角形数,又是中心三角形数。
10 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 1 + 3 + 6
如上所示,10 是头四个自然数的和,也是头三个三角形数的和。
> 刚好有两个素因子的数叫做半素数。10 是一个半素数,因为

10 = 2 × 5

头一个半素数是6. 所有半素数都有四个约数 (两个素因子,加上 1 和本身)。

> 10 可以写成两个完全平方数的和。

10 = 12 + 32 = (12 + 12) (12 + 22)

> 上面一行的式子很有意思,可以推广。如果两个整数,n, m, 分别可以写成两个完全平方数的和,那末它们的乘积也可以写成两个完全平方数的和。10 是这一类数的头个非平凡的例子。一般地,

如果 n = (a2 + b2), m = c2 + d2,
那末nm = (ac-bd)2 + (ad+bc)2
注意把 乘积 (nm) 表示成两个完全平方数之和的方式通常不唯一。

> 古希腊人曾经使用 10 的平方根作为圆周率的近似值。

> 在公制度量系统中,单位间换算常常基于 10 或10的整数幂。如 1 米 = 100 厘米,1 千米 = 1000 米。在钱币中,1 元 = 100 分,1角 = 10 分(‘分’现在已不大用了)。
在早期计算史上,人们使用对数来加快计算。对数最常用的底是 10 (因而以10 为底的对数叫常用对数)。

> 考虑计算一个数的 10 次幂。

10 次幂的最后一位(个位)数字 总是和同数平方的个位数字一致。

举例来说,210 = 1024 而 22 = 4。再举一例,710 = 282475249, 个位是9,而72 = 49,比较一下, 它们的个位数都是相同的 9.




常用说法: 十字街头,双手合十。

“5” (A: 作为数字) 五洲同庆



English Version: “5” as a Number: Half a Ten

> 5 是 10 的因子–而10是我们日用10进制数的底(逢十进一)。

> 所有5的倍数的个位数字是 5 或 0. 反之亦然。

> 个位是5的数字平方后,平方数的个位也是5.
–〉进一步:个位是5的数字平方后,最后两位数字是 25.

> 考虑把分数 m/n (m,n 都是整数,n不是m的约数)换算成小数,

如果分母是5,要么小数点后只有一位,是下述几种情况之一:.2, .4, .6, .8
反之,如果小数点后只有一位,那末 可以转化为分母是 2,5,或10的分数

> 5 是素数:5 = 1 × 5

5 = 221 +1 — 这种类型的数叫做费尔马数(由法国数学家费尔马的名字得名)
下一个费尔马数是 17 = 222 +1。

> [这条有点难] 费尔马数列是增长很快的数列: 如下

221 +1, 222 +1, 223 +1, 224 +1, … …

5, 17, 257, 65537, ..
有趣的是,前四个数都是素数,但是第五个不是: 225 +1 的一个较小约数是 641. 所以第五个费尔马数(225 +1) 是合数。而且从此似有一发不可收,从第5个一直到第32个(即是 2232 +1)全是合数。直到现在再往后的费尔马数列中是否还有素数,这问题尚未解决。



“5” (B. 作为形状)– 五体投地


English Version: “Five” (as in a Shape): Pentagon-Pentagram; Golden Ratio

在这个帖子里我们再来看一下 “5” – 但是这一次的重点是来看图和形状, 5 的好多有趣性质同这些图和形状有关。

> 你知道完全图吗?给定 N个点,两两连接起来,就构成一个完全图。下面的图是 N=4 的情况。

连接时两点间的直线不必是直线,曲线也可。如果所有的连线间两两不交,那末就叫做一个平面图。下面的图(其中用了曲线)表明 N =4 的完全图是一个平面图。

但是N=5 的完全图并非平面图。其图是五边形 加上五角星的组合;无论怎样画,至少要有两条连线相交:要么你来试试?
N = 5 的完全图不是平面图。


(I)该等腰三角形的底:腰为 1.618 .. .. — 这是第一类黄金三角形;
(II)该等腰三角形的底:腰:底为 1.618 .. .. — 这是第二类黄金三角形。
数字 1.618 .. .. 被称作黄金比。
黄金比有什么特殊呢?在人眼看来,黄金比给人一种优美优雅的感觉。不只是三角形 – 如果长方形的长宽比是 1.618 看上去也觉得漂亮。

> 我们不是在讨论 和5 有关的形状吗?是的,现在我们在正五边形 – 五角星图中来看黄金三角形。有相当多呢。您发现了一些吗?
把黄金比和数字“5” 联系起来的还有下面两个分数 (近似黄金比)。它们是:
1.618 .. .. 约等于 8/5 (值是1.6)
1.618 .. .. 约等于 5/3 (值是1.666 .. ..)
黄金比在这两个分数之间 8/5 < 1.618 .. .. < 5/3。

当你想到5时,记得有正五边形 – 五角星上的黄金分割比!

“Five” (as in a shape) – Pentagon-Pentagram and the Golden Ratio


中文: “5” (作为形状) 五体投地

In this post we study “5” again – but with reference specifically to Graphs and Shapes, to which number 5 illustrate many interesting properties.

> Do you know complete graph? Mark any n points, then connect each pair of points, you will have a complete graph. Here is a graph with 4 points.
It’s not necessary to connect all points with straight lines: you can connect them with an arc or a curve – like in the figure shown in this paragraph. What do you note: no connecting line intersect with any other lines. Graph-K4-flat Such a graph is called a planar graph.

What about a complete graph with 5 points? We draw it as a pentagon plus a 5-star (also called pentagram). No matter how you try it, some two lines of all connecting lines must intersect somewhere. There is no way to avoid or escape from that.
Put it simple:
A complete graph with five points is not planar.
(if you want avoid crossing each other in connecting lines), you have to raise one point so that it does not share the same plane with the other four points.

> An equilateral triangle is called a golden triangle if
(I) the ratio of its base to (any of) its sides is 1.618 .. — called golden triangle of type I; [that is: BC : AB = 1.618.. ] GoldenTriang-1
(II) the ratio of (any of) its sides to base is 1.618 .. — called golden triangle of type II.

The number 1.618 .. is called a golden ratio.

> What’s so special about the shapes with golden ratio? It’s visually pleasing to the eye – shown by some experiments. Not only in triangles. In a rectangle, if the ratio of longer side to shorter side is 1.618 .. It also looks pleasing to a human eye.

> In the title we mentioned pentagon-pentagram. A regular pentagon is a polygon with 5 sides, with all the sides being equal and all the interior angles of this pentagon being equal. A pentagram is constructed by connecting straight lines between the vertices — usually being referred to as the (regular) five-star.

In the diagram of regular pentagon-pentagram, we can observe many of these golden ratios.
There are many many golden triangles.

Can you find some of them?
This is the first puzzle we have posted. can you find?

Let us end this post with a verse in Christmas’s popular song,

“In the fifth day of Christmas,
my true love gives me

How about the five golden rings all of which contains the golden ratio?

“Five” – Half a Ten


中文版 “5” (作为数字) 五洲同庆

> 5 is a factor of 10, which links to our decimal system (carry one to the next higher place whenever 10 is reached).
All multiples of 5 ends in digit 0 or 5.

> The square of any integer ending in 5 will also have 5 as the last digit (units place).

–> We can even go one step further: for the square of any integer ending in “5”, the last two digits of the results must be 25. For example: 25 × 25 = 625, and 45 × 45 = 2025.

> When a fraction m/n (both m,n are integers) is converted to a decimal, then:

If n = 5 => the decimal has only one digit after the decimal point
If m/n, after converting to decimals, has only one digit after the decimal point, then n = 2 or n = 5

> 5 is a prime number: 5 = 1 × 5
5 = 221 +1 (this type of numbers are called Fermat numbers)
The next Format number is 17 = 222 +1.

> [this item is a bit hard] The numbers in Fermat’s number sequence increases very rapidly: as

221 +1, 222 +1, 223 +1, 224 +1, … …

We calculate these numbers as:
5, 17, 257, 65537, ..
So the number increase very rapidly. Interesting enough, the first four prime numbers are all prime numbers, yet the fifth one (225 +1) is a composite number, with the smaller divisor being 641.

And once started, it keeps going this way: it has been known that from the fifth Fermat number to the thirty-second Fermat number (which is 2232 +1), all of them are composite numbers. It remains open whether there is any prime number in this sequence down the way.

There are lots of facts regarding prime 5: let’s be simple not to mention everything.

“4” 四海之内

“Four” Four-th

English Version: “Four” – Up. Down, Left, Right: All Four Directions

> 先看式子:4 = 2 x 2.
结论:4 是最小的合数(即能分解成更小数的积):4 是完全平方数,也是2的幂。

> 四边形包含许多常见形状,如长方形,平行四边形等。你还能举出一些例子来吗?
> 在平面上有四个方向:上下左右。

> 四面体有4个顶点,6条边和4个表面。

> 4 启发了数学家的想象力和探索热情:如四色定理,分解成四平方数之和定理 等。[这条稍深一点]

关于四色定理:在平面或球面上,只要4种颜色就可以分开平面上所有的区域 (Four Colours Suffice).

关于 分解成四平方数之和定理:任何整数,皆可分为不超过4个完全平方数的和。
如 5 = 22 + 12, 25 = 42 + 32 [两个完全平方数之和]
7 = 22 + 12 + 12 + 12 [四个完全平方数之和]

> 排出所有4的幂次:4,16,64,256,1024,4096,……
结论:4 的幂的个位数字是 4 或者 6 (取决于指数是单数还是双数)。
还有:4 的 补数是 6,4 乘 6 等于 24. [补数就是两个数字加起来等于 10]
结论:_______________ (请读者想一想)。

> 连续四个整数相加的和总是偶数,但却总不是 4 的倍数。例如 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10.
因为 10 象征完美,连带 4 也在某些文化 (如古希腊的比达格拉斯学派) 中受喜爱。


> 和四有关的说法: